This is the trip leader Charles Sr. inviting all of the friends on the website Pumping for Life to follow our travels and adventures in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. We will be distributing water filters in the villages surrounding Tegucigalpa. There is no one traveling for the first time in our group. We will begin our travels early in the morning to Honduras while everyone is still asleep. We greatly covet your prayers for our safety while we travel to and from, but also while we are on the ground serving the people of Honduras. Every country has different customs. I pray that I will be sensitive not to offend their custom(s).
Every day is a walk with our CREATOR whether here at home or in a foreign land away from family. We must do our best where ever we are, this I pray for myself and team. May we remember Matt 6:33 Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things. This puts to mind that GOD must be looked for in all things first.
Join us as we travel in Honduras and look for GOD’S blessing in our joint efforts.
Sola Christo
Sola Christo
Christ Alone
Charles Z